Always leave the world a better place than you found it
The 3rd Bo’ness group has done just that. After working closely with UCS Renewables – a company focused on renewable energy solutions – they installed a full solar power system, two invertors and a new battery for energy storage. The group also worked closely with the community involvement team at Scottish Gas to install a new fuse box and LED lighting at the Scout Hall. Now, they’re not only covering their own energy needs, but selling the excess back to the grid.
The Scout Hall has welcomed young people for nearly half a century, and by setting up the capacity for solar energy now, the leaders are futureproofing the property for years to come.
“Since turning on the equipment in May 2023, we’ve been monitoring our footprint – and by July we’ve already saved nearly 9 tonnes of CO2 emissions, the equivalent of planting 5 trees,” said James Arkley, a leader of the group.
In early July, the group was recognised for this achievement by HM The King, who met with youngsters from the group and leaders to congratulate them on this work.
“When King Charles visited Bo’ness recently, he was met by some excited members of the group. When asked about their badges, one of them told him, “You’ve got to work really hard and stuff to get them”. The King politely agreed, then surprised them by telling them that he remembered some of the badges he had gained, the book reader and entertainer, and what he had to do to earn them. After the event some of the youngsters said they’d never wash their hands again…a parent responded, “they never do that anyway!” It’s safe to say it’s an experience they will never forget,”said James.
Both the Scout group and the company supporting this work, UCS, were also recognised in the recent Scotland Energy Efficiency Awards for the positive environmental impact of the project.
Callum Holt, Commissioner for Community Impact at Scouts Scotland, said:
“This work highlights the impact of a solution-focused approach from within Scouting and shows what can be achieved through partnerships with supportive organisations such as UCS Technologies. The 3rdBo’ness is an inspiration to other Scout groups across Scotland to start challenging their own environmental footprint and take action to support the world around them,”
Great to see Jim Arkley making the headlines. Jim was a GSL and an ADC in Greenock and District before moving East ,to become the GSL of the scout group in Bo’ness. Jim runs a fantastic group and the story above is published on the Scouts Scotland Website.