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16th World Moot 2025

Date: July 27 - August 4

The World Scout Moot is an international gathering of over 5,000 Scouts aged 18 to 25 years old from around the world. Every four years, the Moot takes place in a different host country. The first Moot took place in 1931 in Switzerland, and most recently was hosted by Iceland in 2017.

Participant experience at a Moot is split into two halves, the first being a ‘Trail’ in a patrol made up of Scouts from different nationalities. The second half is an on-site Jamboree-style basecamp along with all the other participants.

The next Moot will take place in Portugal from 25 July to 3 August 2025, and Scouts intends to organise a UK National Contingent of several hundred members, to prepare for and travel to this event.

The UK Contingent will include:

  • A large number of Participants who will be Scouts Network Members, and must be aged between 18 and 25 on the first day of the event
  • A small Contingent Management Team (CMT) of adult volunteers who will plan the UK Contingent journey before, during, and after the Moot
  • A medium-sized International Service Team (IST) of adult volunteers (26+ by the first day of the event), who will support the Moot organisers during the event in delivering site activities

To register interest , click here

Keep an eye on the event at Scouts.org.uk

A small team is being recruited to provide a good balance of skills and experience across the leadership. The  intention is to appoint a Contingent Lead Volunteer plus one or two deputies.
It is recommend that those applying for these roles are 26 years old by the first day of the Moot, but welcome applications from anyone over 18.
You can find out more and view the application pack here: