16th World Moot 2025
Date: July 27 - August 4
The World Scout Moot is an international gathering of over 5,000 Scouts aged 18 to 25 years old from around the world. Every four years, the Moot takes place in a different host country. The first Moot took place in 1931 in Switzerland, and most recently was hosted by Iceland in 2017.
Participant experience at a Moot is split into two halves, the first being a ‘Trail’ in a patrol made up of Scouts from different nationalities. The second half is an on-site Jamboree-style basecamp along with all the other participants.
The next Moot will take place in Portugal from 25 July to 3 August 2025, and Scouts intends to organise a UK National Contingent of several hundred members, to prepare for and travel to this event.
The UK Contingent will include:
- A large number of Participants who will be Scouts Network Members, and must be aged between 18 and 25 on the first day of the event
- A small Contingent Management Team (CMT) of adult volunteers who will plan the UK Contingent journey before, during, and after the Moot
- A medium-sized International Service Team (IST) of adult volunteers (26+ by the first day of the event), who will support the Moot organisers during the event in delivering site activities
To register interest , click here
Keep an eye on the event at Scouts.org.uk