Roles & Structure Changes Coming Soon

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Update from Scout Scotland 20th Sep 2024.

As we transform volunteering at Scouts, we want to highlight the changes to roles and structures that are coming.

Role and Structure changes
We’re moving to a team-based approach and there are some principles that we are following to make volunteering with Scouts more flexible, clearer and easier.

Our new principles:

  • We volunteer flexibly as part of a team with a shared purpose.
  • Our teams and titles are easier to understand and more appealing to new volunteers.
  • Teams agree how to share tasks between them and this can change over time.

Take a look at our roles and structure document to read more about our teams-based approach.

To find out more about what you can do to be ready for transformation, check out the Scouts website.

Want to know more?
If you want to find out more about the improvements to the volunteer experience, visit our website or get in touch with your Transformation Lead.