Professional Chef and Paisley Cub Leader Frank Donnelly led Birkmyre Explorers through the Chef Badge. They learned about food preparation and hygiene and then got the chance to make the following meal.
🍽️ Starter: Italian bruschetta
🍽️ Main: Chicken in creamy red pesto sauce with new potatoes.
🍽️ Dessert: Pancakes with mixed berry compote.
As much fun was had eating the food as making it!

The other half of the Explorer group were treated to a first class First Aid session from former West Region Chair Jim Duffy. Jim is a dedicated Scouting First Aider and was able to tell about his incident in the Malaysia rainforest in 2019 for which he won the prestigious Medal for Meritorious Conduct in 2020 for saving another leader’s life on a Scout adventure.