The 42nd scouts had a great weekend at Meggernie Scout Centre!
We arrived on the Friday night and had supper of hot dogs and hot chocolate and then a night inside the centre.
We hiked along some of the recently formed trails on Saturday up to the top of the hill and worked out how many steps we would need to cover 100m. Edward then taught the other scouts how to put up a halo tent as part of a challenge badge and they pitched the tents for the Sat night. We had a lovely dinner of haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner and we watched Despicable Me! All of the scouts chose to camp out on Sat night and 6 have now achieved their bronze Zodiac badge! After breakfast on Sunday morning the scouts made electronic bugs and then had some free time before the tents had to come down and we had to tidy up and get everyone back on the bus to get home!
Thanks as ever to Judith and Rab. We’re already looking forward to next year’s trip!