From new Camp Skipper Gary McLuskey…
Everton Scout Training Campsite is 100 years old
To mark the occasion, after months of planning and almost a week of flat out work setting up the site we were ready to go for 10am start on Saturday for our open day.
We were delighted to be joined by almost 600 people including Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Networkers and leaders as well as former leaders along with friends & family to celebrate.
Thanks to Inverclyde Duke of Edinburgh, Scottish Fire and Rescue and the Coastguard who came along too.
In the afternoon we were delighted to welcome Lord Lieutenant Peter McCarthy, Provost Drew McKenzie and Ronnie Cowan MP. They were given a tour of the site by Gary.
We had many stalls and activities including a burger-stall, bouncy castle, zorb-football, archery and grass-sledging which ran throughout the day.
At 2pm Leapmoor Pipe band played as the trek-cart was man-handled down into the parade ground by our former leaders from the district executive team. They were helped by some of the younger Scouts. The trek-cart was used long before mini buses to bring tents and camp kit up to Everton.
Camp Skipper Alan Newbigging has stepped down from his post, handing on the baton to Gary Mcluskey who thanked him for all his hard work and support over his tenure.
As the new Camp skipper, Gary McLuskey then thanked everyone for coming along and thanked all the leaders for their hard work in setting up and running the day.
Our District Commissioner Dr Martin Buchan then said a few words before going on to make some presentations.
Two Cubs were presented with their Silver Chief Scout awards-a big well done to them.
He then presented Fiona Bell and Jim Bell with awards. It was great to see father and daughter receive these and really brings home the meaning of the family of scouting.
Alan Newbigging was given a Commissioners Award for all his hard work helping Everton become the great site that it is. His lovely wife Shona was presented with her award for all her help with scouting including helping at the Gang-show.
Steven McGrath and Stewart Wilson were both presented with the Award for Merit. A big well done to them and well deserved too.
Ruth Bennett was presented with her 40 year service award which is a fantastic achievement. Everyone who has met Ruth has always said what great support she offers to all in scouting.
There were other presentations made throughout the day. Well done to everyone who received awards.
After the official birthday cake was cut by Martin (with some help from our squirrels and beavers) we went back to having fun at the stalls and activities.
The open day finished at about 5pm. The Scouts who were camping overnight then set up their sites. They made their own dinner before a scouting tradition of having a campfire and some songs.
Thank you to everyone who planned, helped set up, ran stalls, activities & tidied up afterwards.
Thanks to everyone who came along. It was great hearing how much Everton means to folk.