Minibus Expedition to the Hebrides

The 85th Scouts are recovering from a fantastic summer camp this year. The group climbed aboard a fleet of vehicles to tour around Scotland as far as Harris and Lewis,

5th Scouts Head to Alton Towers

Despite leaving at midnight on Friday then having long drive, the 5th Scouts enjoyed their annual trip to Alton Tower last weekend. They enjoyed all the rollercoasters and fun on

Navy Helps at Everton

Everton campsite had some special helpers on site in July. They were fortunate enough to have crew from His Majesty’s Royal Navy ship SMB Shackleton come along to help with

Armed Forces Day

Leaders from the district were invited by Inverclyde District Council to the annual flag raising ceremony for Armed Forces Day in Clyde Square. Assistant District Commissioner for Scouts Gordon Sinclair,

Wild Camping and Powerboating on Loch Striven

The 85th Scouts had an adventurous time in June. They took the District powerboats over to Loch Striven where they wild camped on land at Toward Sea-sports Club. While they

Leapmoor Chill out Camp

The first 14-24 team camp at Everton hosted by Greenock Network was held in June. It was great to have Explorers and Network come together for a relaxed weekend of

Cub Archery & Tomahawk Competition

The Annual Greenock & District Cubs Archery & Tomahawk Competition was held at Everton Campsite in June. Well done to all the Cubs that took part, and to those who

Beavers Get Litter Picking

The 70th Beavers joined members of Green Tangerine to help litter-pick at Cardwell Bay this week. They learned about personal safety when litter picking & about how the things we

Squirrels and Beavers at Sea-Life Centre

The 5th Squirrels and Beavers visited the sea-life centre at Loch Lomond in June. They learned about the creatures that they saw. They then enjoyed a sleepover at the centre.